Thursday, April 10, 2008

Singapore PM warns Olympic protests will have 'consequences' by angering Chinese people

Singapore PM warns Olympic protests will have 'consequences' by angering Chinese people

another clip from yahoo news.....hahahaha Singapore PM actually speaks.
let's see......don't know if i feel Chinese or not. but to me i am rather angry at the red Chinese.
The reason i hate is why do Chinese mainlanders always think they are the center of the world.
And why the fuck does Lee want to say shit like this to make people think Chinese are just stubborn dumb asses.

to me China has already come out....they just don't want to lose face over tibet...the face is everything.
Oh well mainland chinese will always be acting like a peaseant(kinda like the beverly hill but still act like a peasent with no taste...wait many rich ass is still like that...hahaha)....look how they follow the little red book.

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